Lentils, if that's what you want great and if not ... With vegetables and saffron


We’re huge fans of time-honoured traditional dishes, but if we add that special touch every day each meal will be a different dish and this is what has occurred here …..a lentils with vegetables and saffron recipe from Antonio Sotos which we are bringing you today. Starting with a traditional recipe, which has a delicious and revamped air thanks to the power of spices.

Lentils with vegetables and saffron ingredients

– 400g lentils

– 1 onion

– 1 red pepper

– 1 carrot

– 10 green beans

Saffron strands

– Salt

– Cumin

– Oil

– 2 large bay leaves

– 2 or 3 garlic gloves

– Water

Lentils with vegetables and saffron ingredients elaboration

First, let’s prepare the vegetables, that’s why they are washed, peeled and chopped so that the pieces are not excessively large, and are commensurate with the proportions of the lentils.

Mix all the vegetables and add into a cooking pot with a splash of oil and salt. Over a medium heat sauté the vegetables for approximately 5 or 7 minutes, until tender and in this way all vegetable flavours will blend together.

Now it’s time to add the saffron strands into the cooking pot, together with the bay leaves and cumin (preferably ground).

Rinse the lentils and also add them to the cooking pot. Add water until all the ingredients of the cooking pot are slightly covered. The water must be taken into account given that it conditions whether the lentils are thick or watery, that’s why the amount of water must be calculated according to one’s taste.

Cover the cooking pot and leave to cook over medium heat for approximately 1 hour or an hour and a half. It is convenient that after one hour to check that the lentils are not excessively tender, and that the recipe does not turn into a shapeless mushy mass.

Once the lentils are cooked to your taste and preference, taste and add salt, given that it is possible that they may have lost their flavour and become bland during the cooking process.

What do you think of giving that special touch of saffron to your traditional lentils? If you’re going to try out our recipe, tell us about it on our FacebookTwitter and Instagram social networks.

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