Tag Archives: Health

We have all suffered from toothache once in our lives and we can safely say that it is one of the most uncomfortable pains that one can feel, as it produces a generalised pressure in the entire body. Toothache is generally due to the tooth decay or other types of gum disease, and for those […]

  Saffron has a myriad of health benefits, as already mentioned previously. Nevertheless, gradually we are focusing on each of these benefits to apprise you in greater depth in this regard. Did you know that saffron can be used as a natural antidepressant?  Yes, you have heard correctly, we’ll tell you about it below.   […]

Saffron is not just another ingredient for adding colour to dishes and for imbuing that touch of special and unique flavour which we all enjoy in our dishes.  It also has numerous  benefits for our health and wellbeing which we have mentioned on previous occasions. This time, however, we will be focussing on the genuine […]

Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease are distinct diseases, but both have disastrous effects on a person’s body. Great strides forward have been made in science as regards their treatment, but there are still many years ahead until a final cure is obtained which achieves to palliate the diseases in their entirety. Until then, any contribution at […]

Saffron is a highly appreciated spice, for which Spain is one of the main producers in the world. You probably know it for its flavour, its unsmistakable aroma and the colour it gives dishes (especially in paellas). You might not know that it has properties that benefits your health, and therefore, it has multiple uses […]

Among the many uses and properties of saffron is its application as a medical facility. The infusion of saffron is a healthy remedy in alleviating certain ailments. Indeed, both medical professionals and growers have used the infusion of saffron to improve the treatment of some diseases and pains. It represents a complement to the culinary contributions of saffron, an ingredient […]